


Take the first step as a professional diver with the PADI Divemaster Course & Internship with Sparkydivers Hurghada Diving instructors team !

Why should you become a PADI Divemaster?

Love scuba diving? Want to share it with others on a whole new level? Take the PADI Divemaster course and do what you love to do as a career. Scuba divers look up to DIVEMASTER because they are leaders who mentor and motivate others. As a divemaster, you not only get to dive a lot, but also experience the joy of seeing others have as much fun diving as you do. Hurghada diving instructors

The PADI Divemaster course is your first level of professional training. Working closely with a PADI Instructor, you’ll fine-tune your dive skills, like perfecting the effortless hover, and refine your rescue skills so you anticipate and easily solve common problems. You’ll gain dive knowledge, management and supervision abilities so you become a role model to divers everywhere. DIVEMASTER Hurghada

Advantages of becoming a  dive master : DIVEMASTER Hurghada

–  Become a part of the team during your internship.
– Our team of instructors will share with you the tricks and tips so you make the most of your training, and  will spend some time with you in order to provide you with support, insight on the dive industry
– You will participate actively in your training.

The course is done mainly in English and the team can offer you support in English and other languages.

PADI Rescue Divers (or equivalent) who are at least 18 years old may enroll in the PADI Divemaster course.

to become Padi  divemaster You also need to have:

Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care (CPR and First Aid) training within the past 24 months.

A medical statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months.

At least 40 logged dives to begin the course and 60 dives to earn certification (if you do not reach the amount of dives, get in touch so we can customize a dive package for your needs).

What will you learn?
The PADI Divemaster course teaches you to be a leader and take charge of dive activities. Through knowledge development sessions, water skills exercises and workshops, and hands-on practical assessment, you develop the skills to organize and direct a variety of scuba diving activities.

Topics and practical workshops include:

The role and characteristics of the PADI Divemaster
Supervising dive activities and assisting with student divers
Diver safety and risk management
Divemaster conducted programs and specialized skills
Business of diving and your career
Awareness of the dive environment
Dive setup and management
Mapping an open water site
Conducting dive briefings
Organizing a search and recovery project and a deep dive
Conducting a scuba review and skin diver course
Assisting with Discover Scuba Diving and leading Discover Local Diving programs

We also offer you specialty courses at a special rate to broaden your abilities and experiences, such as the Deep Diver course or the Nitrox course. Email us for more details.

How can you start learning now? DIVEMASTER Hurghada

Sign up for the Divemaster course today by contacting us now.
You can work through eight knowledge development sections using a web-based system that lets you learn at your own pace. You also have access to an online version of the Divemaster Manual for reference during and after the course.

Another option is to study by reading the Divemaster Manual and watching the Divemaster Video (a book and DVD package). Contact us today to enroll in the course and get your Divemaster Crew-Pak, which also includes other reference materials – like the PADI Instructor Manual and The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving – that you’ll need during the course.

Consider taking Dive Theory Online, another PADI eLearning® program, that takes you step-by-step through dive physics, physiology, skills, equipment and environment, plus a Recreational Dive Planner (RDP) review. By successfully completing Dive Theory Online, you can get credit for half of the Divemaster Final Exam. Your PADI Instructor can explain how this works when you meet to schedule knowledge review sessions along with your water skills exercises, workshops and practical assessments.

What scuba gear will you use?

As a dive professional, you’ll want to have all your basic scuba equipment, including a dive computer and at least two surface signaling devices. During practical skills exercises, like underwater mapping and search and recovery, you’ll use a compass, floats, marker buoys, lift bags and slates. Your PADI Instructor may suggest additional gear that will be useful throughout your diving career.

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Why should I take my Divemaster training with sparkydivers Hurghada?

• Friendly and professional Hurghada diving instructors Team here to assist you with diving and non-diving activities

Why should I take the Divemaster course in Hurghada?

  • Hurghada is a world class diving destination. Shipwrecks, dolphins, amazing fish and corals are all throughout our beautiful red sea. The dive sites in Hurghada are rich, healthy and vibrant. Training in this beautiful sea life nature  is the best place to have a balanced life between work and lifestyle . DIVERMASTER Hurghada
  • And how about the Hurghada climate? The weather is great all year round in Hurghada , with some cold times between December to March. meaning we enjoy great diving all year round! continue your career in diving and join our Hurghada diving instructors.

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